Different airlines and preferences?

So my first question is initially this… How many airlines are in the game? On top of that, how many of them have very specific preferences? For instance, Frontier Airlines only flies one type of plane, the Airbus 319. Virgin America flight for different Airbus planes, a318, a319, a320, and a321 I believe.

Will we see other airline’s setup similar to that?


say “configurable by file”.
Pwetty please?


Um, configurable by file



The only airlines that I’ve seen in the videos, screenshots and Gif’s are Stripe air and CLM. Correct me if there is any I’ve missed. Here are some screenshots:-

I know that there’s only two noticeable ones… But I’m curious as to whether or not there will be more, and if they will have preferences to themselves like I listed.

I think that the main issue here is licensing. I the developers would want to include real-life airlines, like United, Lufthansa, SAS, Emirates etc, they would have to get permissions from each airline to use their logos and names.

Since this would be time consuming and possibly costly, it is better to just invent new airline names with made up fleets.


I’m not telling them to use real airlines, I’m asking if each airline in the game will have specific aspects, like how Frontier only flies the a319 (I think) and how Virgin America only uses the smaller of the Airbus family planes.

I don’t mean to tag the Devs in everything, but @Olof and team, hopefully you understand what I mean by this??

For instance, there’s a rather new Southern Region Carrier in the US known as GLO Airlines. They only use a fleet of (at the moment) Saab 340B’s.

Frontier (for a period of time) only used Airbus A319s.

Just things like that had me curious as to whether or not we’d see the In-Game Airlines with their own aircraft preferences.

Right now, there’s two test airlines in the game, correctly identifies as Stripe Air and CLM.

We can tailor and customize the preferences of the airlines as much as we want, adding specific aircraft models to an airlines fleet would be very easy and is something we’ll do. I’m pretty sure we’ve talked about this before but airlines will initially come in three different shapes: Small, medium and big (later probably expanded to exclusive and freight as well). Airlines have a bunch of variables that state their requirements, their fees, number of flights, routes, maximum turnaround time and stuff like that. This is where we’ll add what kinds of aircraft they operate as well, and since we have a pretty nice livery system going, each aircraft will have a different livery depending on which airline its trafficking for.

There’s no limit in how many airlines that can exist and we have a bunch of different ways planned for how users can affect what airlines will be in a vanilla Airport CEO. All data about airlines will most likely be stored in separate .json-files, but we can’t confirm this fully yet (still exploring solutions).


Oh cool, thanks!

Sorry to correct you Nace888 but Frontier Airlines has the Airbus A319-100, Airbus A319neo, Airbus A320-200, Airbus A320neo, Airbus A321-200 aircrafts in their fleet.

Well I mean I was going based on the info from a fee years ago. XD Thank you though, you helped me out!

no problem

So I am bringing up this topic with a relative question instead of opening new topic: Do flight numbers are completely random?

One more thing I noticed is @Olof gave some very important infos about airlines which are critically important for future “Real Ailines” mod. Thank you :slight_smile: (wow he wrote it 2016 and I have never seen it :open_mouth: )

Thanks but… I was asking the situation n ACEO :slight_smile:

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