Short and concise. It’s fun to play around with the Steam backend. Gotta love that automatic release pipeline. Now back to the code.
Short and concise. It’s fun to play around with the Steam backend. Gotta love that automatic release pipeline. Now back to the code.
Some great fixes this week guys, keep at it!
What versioning software do you use btw?
And what for delivery,gocd ?
“lol, should be done months ago” It’s great to see that you guys still have a great sense of humor.
“be warned because it gets a bit techy”
You guys obviously haven’t read a Factorio Friday Facts if you think that’s techy!
“16:9 ratio enforced across all screen sizes”
So I guess this will mean the game will be letterboxed on my 16:10 screen then? And if so, will there be support for other aspect ratios than 16:9 in the future?
I believe it means that the windows in the game (for example contracts screen) will be 16:9, not the ability to change the actual game resolution.
Can’t believe it’s the quarter quell of the dev logs may steams odds forever be in your favor
75 devlogs, that’s quite the number! Next stop: 100!
I think the devs will opt for the traditional approach and opt for 76 as the next stop.
But a brilliant diamond devlog from the guys. I’ll be choosing the expiremental path and can’t wait to help the guys out testing the new features.
EDIT: testing, not eating.
nom nom nom features
I should have written next “milestone” instead of a generic “next stop”
Glad to see you can make it 12 hour AM/PM! Also, I want to know more about experimental mode.
… because it gets a bit techy but if you’re interested in…
Lol. Techy?? U are under-estimating ACEO fans.
Anyone know when the next dev blog comes out today?
No idea, but they will release it when they are ready
I just can’t wait for it for some reason xD
I like how the end of the previous devlog most of the time ends up with people asking when the next one is as if it isn’t a regular occurance
The devs work very hard, and it usually comes at the end of their working day. The end of their working day is usually about 2am BST, so you have a bit of a wait I’m afraid. I tend to just log in on Tuesday mornings now; usually up by then.
Okay. Thanks!