Wehey, finally! Check it out here and weigh in…
wow! Just browsing the website and this poped up! What lucky timing!
Great job in the devlog, keep up the great work! By the way, what’s the eta for the funding campaign?
Thanks @Olof
Great to see how far this has come and the progress that is being made week on week is fantastic!
I sometimes wonder if you really live in Sweden because of the time when the devlogs goes up. Thanks for a nice devlog.
Well done folks yet another great Dev update look forward to reading these every week. Yous are doing a great job.
It looks very nice and I’m really glad to hear about the Aircraft MOD
THX for your great work
haha, we work in shifts and Olof just happen to take the night shift
Haha, technically devlogs usually go up on Tuesday in Sweden, but the Airport CEO fan base is international so there’s still a Monday going on somewhere in the world…
It’s nice to hear you are already thinking about mod support. Regarding mod support I’d like to share an idea with you you may want to consider.
I know of some games which call themselves mod-friendly. These games allow to mod values of different items in an single xml-file or a single data base like text-file.
This may be friendly to be changed, but it’s complicated to add different items by different mods into one single file, as they aren’t compatible with each other as any mod overwrites the same file. Only chance is to add any entry by hand which is a lot of work to maintain.
In my opinion it would be better, if any items (for AirportCEO that would be aircrafts, vehicles, decorations, buildings, whatever) would be saved as it’s own file in a shared (by category) directory. This way new items could be easily added and maintained even if there are already other mods. Even multiple kinds of the same item (e.g. call it an A380) could be added as mods if the modders care of their filenames (e.g. a name convention with the modders own (nick)name)
Good job guys! Doing a great job!
When the game becomes more developed later on, I think that a permit might be order to be able to extend a runway, I think it would have a better realism element if permission was required for certain tasks. However with the rate that you guys are going, AWESOME job, seriously I love this game and the frequent communication with devs is excellent!
Thanks for the great feedback everyone! And the kind words aswell, just droppes this on Twitter so I thought I’d share it here as well:
Im on mobile so dunno if its visible, but its a gif!