
Hi guys,

as i´m working in the airline business (Catering) from own experiences i think it should be implemented plane-vs-plane crashes, car-vs-car accidents, plane-vs-car crashes.

Don´t know if this idea was already mentioned but didnt find anything with the keywords crash or accident. :slight_smile:

Often on airports happens situation were planes were damaged due to other planes or cars like catering trucks or stair trucks etc. So i would be happy if this could be implemented and this then effect athe whole business.

Traffic jams, planes has to transfered to a hangar, daily flights will be canceled, delay, firefighter has to go to the stand, ambulance has to move out.

This would be great!




I think a part of it also should be, that, if you hire a cheap ramp agent with low logic skills stress handling etc, then you have more chances for accidents.

Exactly or about the working time and stress level…

Just don’t let it happen too often. It should be a rare incident, every 8 or more years at least. the player should be surprised when it happens

It happens more often then expected. I know an incident from Monday between a swiss and a canadian airline where the whole rear of the plane was damaged and is not available for more then a week. So this would be great if the staff and the tower would effect this situation and the manager can affect this through staff rooms, low stress level and so on. Don´t know if this is possible to program cause of hit boxes etc.!?

I’m pretty sure some kind of incidents and fire stations will come later (it’s too obvious as an add-on). Will be great to see it. Even without accidents, you can just have a flight every now and then with an emergency landing and firefighters on standby (which results in the runway being closed from maybe 15 minutes before the landing, then firefighters following the plane etc.). Some planes might even need a tow truck to come and get them from the runway / taxiway.

As you also mentioned hangars, I’d really like to see maintenance hangars even without accidents. Either rented out to an airline or, what I’d prefer as an Airport CEO, having my own maintenance facility: Hiring technicians for it, getting maintenance contracts with airlines which then get blocked landing/departure slots for maintenance ferry flights.

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Assume it is implemented in the game and that incident happens… what would be the consequences in the game?

Consequences would be delays: Blocked stands, taxiways, runways. So you have to keep some free buffers for those cases.
Of course for gameplay it would start to be really interesting if you could spontaneously change stands - not only for planes landing several hours later (although departure time can only be kept or moved to later time because passengers will have their boarding pass already) - and shorten turnaround times. For example setting higher priority for a certain flight which would then need shorter turnaround time, but the relevant ramp agents and vehicles would be waiting on standby for the flight some time ahead, thus not being available for other jobs. This way you could make some space for additional flights and avoid / limit delays.
Incident management could have quite some potential for the game I think.

  • Stand changes are necessary anyway.
  • I’d also like to get a compensation from the responsible party.
  • If we have hangars (for repairs and maintenance), they could be helpful to speed things up.

I talked about that in my My idea list (long post) where I described some Incidents/Accidents and how they could cause damage to more than just aircraft or vehicles.
Mostly the parts :
“Runway safety area” which actually would play an important role in preventing accidents or reducing their severity.
“Night and bad weather arrival” where night and bad weather increase the risk of accidents and ILS and PAPI help reducing it, upgrading our ISL and lighting system to gain CAT I, II and III (a,b and c) runway certification not just to allow more flights to land during bad weather (and unlocking higher airline class requirement), but also to reduce the number of potential accidents would be a really great feature.
“Accidents and incidents & Reputation” where I explain that most of those accidents/incidents shouldn’t lower our reputation, though other flights delayed because of that should still as it is our responsibility to make sure operations restart as soon as possible.
“Runway care operations (repair and other maintenance)”, “FOD removal and vehicle type” and “Runway care and maintenance/fuel schedule” is indirectly related as they are all refer to potential causes and consequences of incidents.
And I listed many possible scenario in " Accidents and incidents" that I classed into category based on how bad they affect operations.

This is obvious that Vehicles will wear down as they have condition percentage already and if we look at the F10 debug menu, in “SPAWN STAFF” there is two staff member we don’t yet have which are “Mechanic” probably to repair vehicles and “AircraftMaintenanc” (the last letter(s) are hidden as the name is too long) which is obviously to perform repair and/or maintenance tasks on aircraft.

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