Computed Secure Zones

IMHO, secure zones should be computed and not defined. So instead or marking zones as “secure”, let the computer find out.
This requires the zones to be “walled in”, i.e. working fences, walls, barriers etc. are needed.
Then, anything in the walled zone behind a security check point(in terminal or on the road) is secure, anything else not. Also, if the walled zone has a hole (leaks), it is not secure. You should get a warning message with a list of pointers to where the holes are.
Currently, many path-finding problems are caused by not well-defined secure zones, specially when you re-built something and forget to check the secure zone again.
Also, doing it like this is more realistic.
You could also have some different security levels: the more checkpoints you have to pass, the more secure is the zone. As it is with passenger, ramp, and apron secure levels.


I had some more thoughts on this, so here they go.


  • It’s ridiculous that people cannot cross an invisible chalk line on the floor just because one side of the line is called secure and the other not.
  • It’s causing problems when you don’t see that between the person and the place where the person should go to is a tiny line of a different zone. Specially when some actions (like making walls) caused changes you did not expect in the secure zones.

How to determine what is secure
(By “point” I mean the tile of a terminal foundation, not the smaller ones.)

  • Every point where people spawn (taxi stop, parking lots, subway entrances etc, except arriving planes) is insecure.
  • Every point that is reachable (not through walls, not by crossing roads, and not by walking on ground) from an insecure point without passing a checkpoint is insecure.
  • If a point is reachable without and by passing a checkpoint (i.e. you can circumvent the security check), it is insecure and the airport has a security problem. The terminal should be closed. (See auditing below.)
  • This has to be computed (recursive with the above given rules) only every time when there is something build or demolished.

Construction Areas
Whenever you want to build or demolish something, you define a construction area.
You can only build / demolish objects in a construction area. (There may be some exceptions e.g. installing desks, furniture etc.)
It is possible to assign priorities to construction areas.

A construction area surrounded only by secure points or not walkable points (walls, roads, grass) is secure itself.
If it is surrounded only by insecure points, it is insecure.
If some adjacent points are secure and others are insecure, it needs to be guarded by security officers. (Or, if the contract with the construction contractors includes it, the area is secured by the construction company. Also, security services could be outsourced… but I digress). One security officer can guard up to lets say 12x12 points.

Construction areas need to be closed manually. When a guarded construction area is closed, the secure zone has to be identified again (“auditing”). If the audit is finished successfully, the construction area is deleted and the security officers released. The whole guarded area is either identified as secure or insecure. If not, a report is given to the CEO containing the found issues with problematic locations.

This post is long enough now. :slightly_smiling_face:

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