BUG:Baggage Unloading numbers

I noticed a problem with the unloading bags numbers.
When a plane arrive at the stand the total unloading bags will start at 0 and then increase over time.

I’m not sure this is an actual bug, rather I think the game is just calculating the amount of bags that were on the flight when the plane arrives at the gate. It just so happens the calculation is visible in that window?

That said I know absolutely nothing about programming so I’m totally happy for someone to tell me otherwise :stuck_out_tongue:

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No, it’s true, it’s not a bug. The game generates arriving baggage as the passengers actually arrive into the hall, so not a bug but it really doesn’t make sense. Best would be to have an estimate temp value in place which would be corrected when all arrival baggage is accounted for.

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Here is the another situation. If you place vehicle depot to stand very close and unloading bags start while passengers are deboarding, unloading bags finishes early and number of bags increase even baggage cart has already left.


I noticed that as well. And then it never gets unloaded and just disappears later.

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If you look at 0:56 you see the numbers are stuck on 48/61 and then after few seconds its changing to 48/48. Also how is the amount of baggage getting calculated? 93 persons /48 baggage.

I’ve seen this to, but not on all planes.

If have recreated it and calculated this in one of my own airports.
The plane in question is calculated to 72. Unloading amount stopt at 61, baggage cart left at 53 (counter).
72 gets corrected into 61 after the cart emptied at the baggage bay. (Numbers go green instead of orange)
Eventually 53 bags did make it to the reclaim area. Meaning 8 bags don’t get spawned.

So I believe 1 of 2 things happening.

  1. The amount of 53 is correct, eventually this is also the amount of people waiting for their bags. So number 61 is a mistake in calculations? I don’t have an explanation for 72 though…
  2. The amount of 61 is correct, 8 bags simply don’t get spawned, because the cart left. Why does the cart leave? Does it has maximum amount of time to complete? The PAX will not wait because…they know it’s not unloaded?

Anyone else has some other idea or tested it out?

Baggage cart leaves too early. Cart though that 53 is exact number of bags but actually the number is 61 but cart doesn’t know it. Cart goes to baggage bay with 53 bags and 8 bags left at stand, spawned right under airplane. When airplane leaves either these bags dissappear or they stay there bugged, forever. That’s also the reason of “passenger don’t get their bagggage” error.

The solution is actually simple: Let bagggae cart wait until deboarding ends completely.