Animals are cute

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Animals are cute…

Until they’re not. Then they’re not fun. They’re not funny. Fences don’t work so good. They can break an airport where days of work was put in setting it up, assigning something like 1000 vehicles to parking lots… Saving and loading isn’t fun, takes forever on a large map (my fault, I know). Doesn’t really work to clear them out anyway. Did it 3 times. Police patrols look like flies on ____ and they do nothing to fight the cow…24 patrol cars, stretchted all over the place…

No point in submitting a bug report. It’s probably my fault. The ground animals need to be looked at. Or not. They broke a functioning 110 stand airport that launched well. Even has walk-a-lators that aren’t killing it…course the cow is now… Planes sit there, patrols don’t do anything… I’m tired. I’ll see what happens if I log back in for a while. /endrant.

The pick is the result of desperation to get the jets to clear… cleared nodes, few times. Good night.