Very fancy, looks like it needs a bit of polish before a release can be made. Though I have a few nitpicks.
With regard to the fuel trucks, they seem to get a bit too close to the aircraft and i’m almost certain they wouldn’t fit under the wing (of a C208), and also would not want to try and fit under the wing of an aircraft, given that wings can be flappy, alongside this it is often customary that the truck would face away from the aircraft as mentioned by others, but it doesn’t matter too much.
With regard to the fuel lines, they don’t seem particularly sightly and if it were possible to model a guy moving around with a hose (Car fuel pump style for 100LL and a proper pump thing for Jet A1 for example) in my opinion it would make it look much more professional.
I’m sure it’d be clearer firsthand, but it’s not quite clear what the rows in the planner are actually for. Are they for stands, or runway booking, or is it fairly arbitrary as long as you can fit them all in. Also, do the more picky airlines designate you times within which you have to schedule the flight? I’m sure the airline have an interest in arrival and departure times as well as the airport.
I’m sure you’re aware of the text overlap in the vehicle depot alongside the passenger and vehicle movement being clunky (I’m looking at you Mr 6 car baggage train flicking everything around everywhere) which myself and others have happily pointed out several times. Very specifically the first aircraft to arrive stopped on the runway, on exit of the runway, before turning into the stand and then after pushback (where it wasn’t pointing in a useful direction after pushback either) which seems a bit odd especially when the aircraft don’t accelerate, just stop. I won’t mention the other aircraft passing through it too loudly, nor the jetway not lining up ;).
With staff changes, like the security centre change, I would imagine that the staff don’t all just walk off at once leaving the checkpoint completely open. It might be an idea to start the changeover slightly before it’s required. Maybe this could be a staff schedule thing. You can schedule the new staff to arrive before the old staff such that there is an overlap. If all the security guards disappear maybe people just decide to walk straight through if nobody is there to stop them.
The dynamic queues still seem very structured. In real life if a large number of people are queuing for something they would all queue in the same direction and near the beginning it’d be very structured, it’d then get wider and wider in a sort of conic shape rather than the spiderweb seen in the video. Depending on how desperate the people are or the shape of the waiting area that cone gets tighter or wider. Think of people queuing at the door of a train, they don’t all go backwards in straight lines that diverge from each other, people are fairly clumped together near the doors all trying to reach the same position first but there’s always one person that’s at the front.
Will we be able to filter baggage by flight, and therefore make separate baggage belts per flight?