Airport CEO Alpha 34 released (The R&D Update)

finally I experienced overlapping flights in flightplanner, too… :wink:
made it happen with manual planning, no auto-planner…

all details in ACEO-22973

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As I’ve written elsewhere, the airline specific rating is sort of up in arms currently as Alpha 35 features an overhaul of the airline’s fleet setup and some new airlines. This will with the rollout of those changes be fixed so that they are more inline with the overall rating system and thus more reliable.

Unfortunately we must allow diagonal pathfinding like that. There are far too many airport designs out there who rely on those types of paths and early on in the development we disabled it which caused a flood of bug reports. At this point it’s not something we can change and since your pax take that path while the sidewalk is not built, that path is cached and will be used as the default path for a while.

Passenger behavior is heavily improved on all fronts in Alpha 35 and will be a lot better in general.

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Olof do you have plans about separating arrival and departure passengers and services like;

  • Apron busses will drop arrival passengers to a different apron bus stop and pickup departure passengers from a different apron bus stop?
  • Baggage trucks will drop arrival baggages to a different baggage bay and pickup departure baggages from a different baggage bay? (This also includes new type of baggage bay)
  • One way doors that become operational by status of passenger? (Like opens for arrival passenger but locked for departure passenger)

Not at this point, no. What you’re talking of is very complex systems in terms of building and right now we’re working on multi-terminal as the next additional complexity milestone.


But one way doors are coming right? It was mentioned on previous devblog :wink: I can’t wait to break down Alpha 35 and bombard you with bug reports :slight_smile:


25 posts were merged into an existing topic: Dev Blog 144: Soon releasing Alpha 34, beginning work on Alpha 35 and the Airport CEO soundtrack now available!

um could someone please send me the lists on pax counts and needed check-in desks?

opened my saved gave to this. ACEO-23002

Hey…Has anyone else noticed the number of bags has dropped substantially? I have 1382 passengers right now, and 237 bags. Doesn’t seem realistic…

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No, can not confirm this. My pax:baggage ratio is consequently slightly less than 2:1

imho these numbers are fluctuating…
But your ratio from around 5:1 looks extreme - assuming all your stands provide baggage handling.

I have bug reported a baggage issue a last week that I didnt seem to have any baggage being loaded onto aircraft… baggage was going to the bay but very few flights appeared to be getting loaded. Unsure if I was doing something wrong, but all check in desks and stands had connections to bays etc and I had loads of vehicles, and no error signs…

Very often baggage loading issues relating to having not enough ramp agents.
It’s often forgotten, that you easily can have shortage, as they’re doing service rounds as well, so during performing service rounds you don’t have enough left for baggage…
Could that be in your case, too?

What @sirhc80 says plus check if you have the right/enough equipment. You need big belt loaders for big airplanes for instance.

Have loads of ramp agents and all the correct vehicles. Neither show as understaffed in the relevant panel. Aircraft also departs as normal, no delay due to lack of luggage.

I suggest to open a topic in “support” section, including some screenshots, to have a further look at it…


I might just be dumb, but how do I unlock more Project Groups? Thanks

Here Rubble made a tech tree:

O i see, I wish there was a way to make it go faster in sandbox, nevermind, I wasn’t in sandbox lol