Airport CEO Alpha 34 released (The R&D Update)

YAY!!! I know how i’m spending the next 4h :smiley:

  1. Game is sometimes freezing when zooming in on the world map. It doesn’t resume even when waiting for a few minutes, one of CPU cores is utilized in 100% by the game at that time, the game needs to be terminated (froze for me 3 on 8 times in that stage).

  2. Game can freeze on the airport name form when starting a new game (froze for me 1 on 8 times in that stage). One of CPU cores is utilized in 100% by the game at that time. Waiting for a couple of minutes doesn’t unfreeze the game. The game needs to be terminated.

  3. Game can be freezing on the “Loading…” progress bar when starting a new game while loading businesses at least when any workshop mods are enabled (froze for me 5 on 8 times). It was always stopping on 60th business for me (e.g. 60/67, or 60/280 with mods enabled). One of CPU cores is utilized in 100% by the game when frozen. When I enabled mods only after creating the new game world, all the businesses and the saved fresh new world loaded without freezing the game.
    (Sorry, no screenshot for this one - it was replaced in clipboard by something else before I saved it.)

These problems happened before the game was in loaded world, so no in-game error reporting was even available at that time, though while game is frozen it wouldn’t help anyway.

“output_log.txt” after the last freezing I experienced contained this exception:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerInputModule+MouseState.GetButtonState (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData+InputButton button) [0x00023] in <cfe2f64a3dc9415eb325f322bb4ecd6a>:0 
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerInputModule+MouseState.SetButtonState (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData+InputButton button, UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData+FramePressState stateForMouseButton, UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData data) [0x00001] in <cfe2f64a3dc9415eb325f322bb4ecd6a>:0 
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerInputModule.GetMousePointerEventData (System.Int32 id) [0x00112] in <cfe2f64a3dc9415eb325f322bb4ecd6a>:0 
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.ProcessMouseEvent (System.Int32 id) [0x00001] in <cfe2f64a3dc9415eb325f322bb4ecd6a>:0 
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.ProcessMouseEvent () [0x00001] in <cfe2f64a3dc9415eb325f322bb4ecd6a>:0 
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.Process () [0x00071] in <cfe2f64a3dc9415eb325f322bb4ecd6a>:0 
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.Update () [0x000f3] in <cfe2f64a3dc9415eb325f322bb4ecd6a>:0 
(Filename: <cfe2f64a3dc9415eb325f322bb4ecd6a> Line: 0)

This I think was after freezing on the new airport name screen.

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AWESOME. yes you can now assign airlines to stand! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Thanks you DEVS!!! THIS MADE MY DAY!


holy moly, i need to try this


To complete it we just need to be able to ZONE CHECK
IN DESKS TO AIRLINES! Lovin’ the update! I am ecstatic. :innocent::innocent::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Also I wish there were different props in the airline colors or emblems on things like the boarding desk and gate.

Can’t you do this with the baggage system as if you have grouped your airlines stands they can be serviced by the same baggage bay and therefore you can pick where they check in?

Yes that does work, but I would like a more official way of zoning my massive amount of check-in desks. It can also come with the props of that airline, like there emblems or logos.

I like that the Routes are now realistic, will the flight times be accurate as well? Before all flights took 4H or something haha.

Okay, loving many of the new features and changes! Especially the assigned airline to stands, R&D, requirement to take your time and build slow (even though I built kinda fast to see all the new features this one time). :joy: Here are a couple of big things I noticed

  • [ACEO-19419] - Automatic stand and runway repair toggles in operations overview panel

Where is this exactly? I don’t see it and I have unlocked everything in R&D

Also it seems that the Operation Report email numbers aren’t adding up unless I have done something wrong. Total aircraft should be total of all S/M/L aircraft? Numbers are incorrect in the 2nd sentence in the email as well as the A/C Ops section. I do not have any deicing pads or operations yet and it is showing numbers for that. I also don’t have any stores or restaurants yet and its showing numbers for passenger purchases

My Airline Infrastructure Quality rating for both commercial and GA has never seemed to get above 55% and I have upgraded everything but taxiways to concrete (I prefer to have asphalt runways and taxiways and concrete stands for looks though). and I have kept them at 90-100% clean for some time now.

and my ratings for anything related to baggage started going down from the start of the new airport but I didn’t even have anything researched or developed yet. And I still don’t but now they are all in the 10-20% which is killing my overall rating cuz I can’t afford baggage system yet. I thought if we didn’t have it researched yet or have it built yet that it shouldn’t affect our rating at all or that much? All the red are baggage related ratings.

also my security staff skill has been red since the beginning and I have fired all red an orange skill security and have trained all the rest of my security to be in th 90%+ Very high greens

Let me know if you want a bug issue for any of these and ill send over.

At the bottom is Proactive Repairs, I believe that is it yes? Unless it means only repair of items in the terminal

I believe that is for service technicians though, not for runways/stands, but maybe im wrong. I didn’t see anything change when I turned that toggle on. with the runways and stands… and they continue to say “automatically repaired at 25%” like it said before I turned it on.

Replied before my edit! That was something I considered. I’ll have to give it a try and see…if my baggage trucks will finally work this time

whats the requirement to do R&D projects?

Alpha 34 made the game feel much more sophisticated! It’s nice to see how the game has matured.

I just have a question. Will working hours and the privilege to go home ever be given to blue collar workers? I know this would essentially mean having to hire double the staff members for busy airports, but I think daytime only airports could send staff home for the night.

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A staff room with office desks and a few hired administrators are needed.

Oh, that title should have been changed as we decided to add an icon to stand/runway where you can see if you have automatic repair available or not. The idea of a toggle button in operations panel was more for awareness since we tend to get bug reports where people are complaining of the the manual repair work (they simply missed the feature). Now you can more easily spot it in the panels and it tells you, that you need a COO. I doubt that anyone would turn automatic repair off once they hired a COO anyway. :slight_smile:

Could be possible to add later down the road. :slight_smile:

Hmm, maybe try remove all mods and do a clean install? The issue in the log seem to be related with a Unity system, not our own. Something seem broken.

Yea, this is more related to the terminal items. @olof can probably explain a bit more as he was the one who added it.


My bug reporting tool appears to be broken so I’ll post bugs I found here.

  1. Too many staff cars
    I hired only 2 administrators but 5 cars arrived to my staff parking lot and now they are taking up space.

  2. Concrete stands before research
    It appears concrete stands and taxiways are locked behind R&D, but upgrading a stand to concrete is available from the start.

The waste truck cannot go to the waste depot. The waste depot is fulled. And the only have a container truck arrived and go back at the airport entry. This problem reported. But I cannot remember the report code

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