Airport CEO Alpha 33 released (The Big Bird Update)

My passengers are stuck in the bathroom, they are not leaving a secure area, and outside they also stand still for a quite long time. Is there any fix coming soon ? I made a bug report a couple days back, passengers stuck in bathroom

We don’t have any other reports on that so it’s most likely a design issue, I suggest making a separate topic and posting screens there where we can examine your issue.


New hotfix rolled out just now fixing the texture bug, same version and no change log! :slight_smile:


I have the same. I have 12 subway entrance but a lot of people waiting for buses and taxi.
Planes still choose first de-icing pad, despite other one is free :frowning: ACEO-18907

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If you have really high number of people on airport try 1) close the airport (people should be slowly leaving airport), 2) wait a while and 3) try save and reload. If there is no change, 4) load this save and repeat 2) 3) 4) again and again. For me it usually breaks down slightly above 10 000 people on airport and come back to normal after save and reload with about 8 000 people on airport. If it works, enjoy massive exodus like:

Or simplier but slower - just pause the game and wait like 20 minutes (yes, real time). And build some subways. Afaik it is cascade effect – people cannot leave airport in sufficent numbers, so they stay at security zone exit, which block people already in secure zone and these block another people somewhere and mess is piling up higher and higher.

Maybe it is the same case, maybe not. ACEO-18909

Deboarding takes WAYYYY too long, in real life, people RUSH to get off the plane, here they take their good old time, causing cleaning to be late and along with boarding

on your twitter feed, you mentioned that big bird on default will be on tuesday. is it today or next tuesday?

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When will the Boeing 777 MDK be released. (Both the 777-200 and 777-300)

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It’s tomorrow, thursday.

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Stair truck is parked not on the door but through the aircraft, but passengers disembark just fine; it occurs only to the front end of the plane. Bug report number - ACEO - 18925

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has the issue been addressed where you couldn’t build one-way roads inside the terminal? Might be something to address before going public!

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Yes, it’s been fixed.


Great news, must have missed it in the changelogs. Thanks for your continuous efforts!


I’ve found the same issue with the 787 and the A340. 787 one was patched but I don’t think the A340 was. I’ve submitted a bug report on it too.

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It’s all planes on remote stands.

One way roads for tunnel up/down ramps please…


For those of you that want to change your airport logos in your saved Airports… here is how to do it!

Currently testing out how to do it with old versions of airports (i.e airports previously saved as A32.1-0). Will update with results soon. Just waiting for airport to load

Update: Yes this does work!!! Open old airport. Then save in current Experimental Branch Version of game. Then go into save files, Edit 2 logo files (256x256 pixels). Then open airport back up and you will have airport logos at your old saved airports!

Has anyone looked into modding for the airport logos? I’m kinda confused on how the coordinate system for the IATA code position and scaling works.

I know that X and Y start from the top left, although I’m confused with how Z and W are being used. Thanks!

I tried to figure it out but then got distracted. I think it has to do with creating a box the IATA text will fit into? Not sure though. From looking at the palm tree logo, that’s what It looked like to me.

So X is where it starts and W is where it ends.??? and them can maybe have it center in that box? not sure though

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