Airport CEO Alpha 33 released (The Big Bird Update)

its for the lols. new plane A350 so Alpha 33.50


How about the A220s?

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I prefer the -900 to the -1000, but seeing an A350 ingame is also cool.

Also Iol The Almighty Maple doesn’t have A350s haha

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Nice, less work for us modders :grin:


Thanks Rubble! As allways outstanding work!


It might seem it, but Maple does not get everything. They are a good livery to build planes too I will say that. But you never know how things might change.

@Guusje2 has put together a good spreadsheet though.

Airport CEO Airline livery List


Hello, always read forum, but just registered for this question :slight_smile: I’m Russian. Also know advanced Turkish.

I’m afraid we have passed version A22.0 a long time ago so that will never be added


It can always be XX.22.0 :wink:


Why it needs to be Alpha 22.0? It can be in the final 22.0 in 10 years :stuck_out_tongue:


Great plane! I wonder, when I will see it first on my current airport. I am eagerly waiting. :slight_smile:
Any chance of seeing a Fokker, Saab or Antonov during the next version updates? No matter whether small, medium or big.


Fokker 100? :eyes::eyes::eyes:

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Well in my head the A350 should have been with A34 and not A33. I have no control over the release of where/when though. Next plane… hmmmmmm I have no idea :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Is that because you’ve made too many of them to know wich one gets chosen? :hugs: :hugs:


Got several issues with baggage loading not done today, first occurence reported as ACEO-20750 (baggage truck just circling the airplane for a while, after several circles it left the stand just to turn around, come back and get unloaded). Later one had some flights where either offloading and loading or just loading wasn’t done, in those cases simply none of the baggage trucks got assigned for hours, even if several were parked without job.

Also got some other minor issues all reported, probably that’s what I get for playing during Christmas… :wink:

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What’s the question there?

Привет! Olof asked if there are any Russians here. I guess to check russian language which was implemented earlier.


Passengers aren’t moving at all for me.

Hmm it appears this update has broken the performance for me, I have 0 pax in my airport and my fps is barely keeping 20fps :frowning: It seems to be really laggy when panning over the checking desks or over trees for some reason! Will make a bug report and send you the codes :slight_smile: ACEO - 20937 :slight_smile:

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I wish shuttle buses wouldn’t always have to leave 30 minutes prior to departure - it always results in the flight being delayed because of how long boarding takes.