Airport CEO Alpha 27.7 released

I can +1 on that. People are just sitting there.

Deploying Alpha 27.7-3 right now on the experimental branch, it’s a mid-way patch so we most likely won’t deploy this to the default branch this weekend as we have some important fixes to complete prior to that but we wanted to get some critical fixes out for those who are experiencing specific problems.

The weather system has been broken for quite some time and this update will not re-enable the effects but it will start to cycle the weather again. Some of you will because of this have very frequent weather updates as the system will start cycle through the queued states. This will be fixed in the next update.

We’re also testing a new notification setting for persons in regards to how they resolve incidents (simply stuff under the hood, but that’s why this update is quite experimental).

Here’s the full change log:

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 27.7-3


  • [ACEO-4768] - Add new weather station graphics
  • [ACEO-4769] - Add new light pole graphics


  • [ACEO-4544] - Incorrect connection points on vehicle depot causing fuel and service trucks to get stuck at road checkpoint
  • [ACEO-4546] - Warning text not fading in correctly when paused
  • [ACEO-4580] - Weather system does not cycle weather states
  • [ACEO-4588] - Saving when people are boarding a small stand can cause passengers to get stranded when loading
  • [ACEO-4688] - Null reference issue causes check in process to stop and bags be dropped near check in desk
  • [ACEO-4724] - Secure area zone number for items does not update correctly when merging secure zone areas
  • [ACEO-4731] - "Private" misspelled in employee resume
  • [ACEO-4748] - Persons cannot discover that an assigned target node is too far away from their initial destination target causing them to walk across zones and objects

New Feature


The lightpoles are 3D!!! What is this!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Yes and no, the game has always been in ”3D”, it’s just a flat world with a locked camera where we use negative z-values to enhance depth. For the new light poles it was really difficult to get that sense of depth without the actual pole ans since these are objects that are expected to be very high up we thought that actually implementing a vertical pole did not break (compared to other objects), but enhance, the sense of depth!

@Olof - is there a “cleaning” task for left bags, for janitors for example (or maybe security?)? Then when stuff like the “lost” bags happen, they get removed over time at least.

New lights and small fuel depot looks beautiful :slight_smile:


If a bag is on it’s way to the cargo bay or on it’s way to the bagage claim area you can left click the bagage and choose ‘Mark for removal’ or ‘Mark for rescue’. When you choose removal I’ve seen that this bagage is removed and the other bagage will flow through. I’ve not yet tried the rescue option, I assume this should work when you have the scan station and destroyer up and running.

By the way, just thinking about it now it’s a bit strange that everything around the bagage is called ‘Cargo’ as we don’t have cargo in the game (yet) :thinking: Technically it is cargo of course, but it doesn’t feel like the correct wording at this stage. What would the bagage related systems be called when cargo is implemented in the end? (just a Saturday early morning reverie :blush:)

With earlier bugs baggage was all over the airport, it would be nice if the game had a base function for cleaning up “lost baggage”.

The “cargo” usage is irritating indeed.

New weather update for every ingame 5 minutes, it’s a little too much for me.


If you read Olof comment with the patch notes he confirms that weather updates may be more frequent but that will be patched later

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i loved the new updates - i really wished the fuel tanks would attach to small fuel depot

Lots of PAX using the food room, but they don’t seem to be sitting? Anyone else getting this?

Is it a secure area? is the seating bug still active? maybe re-secure it?

No, it’s not secure, it’s before the security point.

What if you make the shop secure, and then remove the secure area again? ( You never know :wink: )

It only gets about about a fifth of the PAX traffic. Strange I know. First time I’ve seen food gets more traffic insecure side. It could BE the way this is built. I’ve changed it between a secure and un-secure area a few times as I thought that might what it could be.

Thanks Olof.

I’m in the gameplay settings panel but I don’t see anything about a passenger spawning ratio. Any assistance?

Did you ever count the “new flights” notifications… when you have the Flight-planner set on automatic planning?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Airport CEO Alpha 31 Released [Experimental]