Aircraft taxi traffic

Is there a chance we improve aircraft taxi pathing to give way more than just 1 node away? It often happens that aircraft ‘clip’ their wings,.

The issue will likely become worse as we are looking to introducing larger aircraft.

Also, it would be nice if player had the agency to design pushback route out of the gate, reducing potential for aircraft’s awkward turns to stay on the node

Pushback system supposed to have left or right turn when it was being developed but it was postponed due to other improvements back then.

You can adjust the distance between parallel taxiways on construction. Small aircrafts cover 3 square taxiway width while medium covers 5. Probably medium covers 8 and jumbo covers 12 (?).

This is not quite what I meant.

When aircraft must give way to other aircraft on the intersection of a node that happens way too close for comfort.

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When aircraft must give way to other aircraft on the intersection of a node that happens way too close for comfort.

Ohh, yes you have a point.

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