Add Apron TaxiwayTextures for realism

I think David earned a designer credit eh @Fredrik? haha


Is she single? Because damm she looks great! :smirk: (talking about the apron)

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I completely understand your point, however 1 small request:

When we open up the runway panel, can we choose runway assignments (GA, Passenger, Freight) like we do for stands?

Say I want to have a separate runway for GA while my main runway handles passenger and freight.


Yes, this is added as a task so we will look at this before release.I agree, it is important for airport operation planning.


The OCD in me says your stands on the right should be 1 lower

The OCD in me says your stands on the right should be 1 lower

Negative, stands are placed correctly but I guess stand’s itself is not symmetric.

There is a small design problem. The small stands are 5 squares in width meaning the middle square (3) can be used as the taxiway connector but the medium stands are 10 in width meaning there is no way to connect it in the middle. The solution was to shift the taxiway connector and the entry line to square 6. Giving it a small offset but also more space for service vehicles to operate on the aircraft right side.

Or make the large stand 11 wide?

Gives even more room :slight_smile:

Yea, I know. But it makes it uneven, the idea was to be able to have 2 small stands for 1 medium and maybe 2 medium for one large. So that it can easily be calculated when designing the terminal.


@Fredrik keep it like this. If pkayer wants to create symmetric gates alongside taxiway he will jump 1 tile and then replace gates and then he fills empty row with concrete ground.
It will make game mıre challenging and more designful


Dev Log 75, yeah!


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