ACEO Modding Group: You have Airline Wishes? Write us here and we try to do it

I dont know if this is the right topic to post this but I have an suggestion of a fictional airline called Samba Airlines . Based in Brazil with its main Hubs being in both São Paulo Airports ( Congonhas and Guarulhos ) , Both Rio de Janeiro Airports ( Galeão and Santos Dumont ) and also in the Brazilian capital Brasilia .

Sure, but for fictionals er like to have more infos like:
Fleet (and it should make sense)
CEO Name
iata code
And any livery and logo idea…

Then we will add to our trello.
But have in mind that currently we are 2-3 active modders, 300 real airlines open in trello, i ha e 353 updates, new aircrafts planned and not priorisinh fictional - so it may take, years!

Fictional Blueline Airways with
CRJ900 (tweaks only)
CRJ1000 (tweaks only)
E190-E2 (tweaks only)
Comac C919 (tweaks only)

Samba Airlines , commonly known as Samba Air is a Brazilian airline founded in 2012 , in Rio de Janeiro , is one of the biggest airlines in Brazil and it started its operations in 2015 . Their main hubs are Guarulhos , Congonhas , Santos Dumont , Galeão and Brasilia Airport . Nowadays it carries the CBF ( Seleção Brasileira ) everywhere they go and some Brazilian teams like Cruzeiro ( Owned by Ronaldo Nazário ) .
Fleet :
SH : ATR-72-600
MH : E295 A319 A320-200 A320neo A321neo
LH : 767-300ER 767-400ER 777-200ER 777-300ER
CEO Name : Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima
Iata code : 8Y
Logo idea : A carnival mask with Brazilian Colors
Livery : White plane with Brazil flag colors in the tail with the carnival mask and Samba text located in the middle in Green , Blue or Yellow ( you can put different colors in different models if u want ) .

when you wait for a wished airline… here a little statistic from our Trello:


Thank you man. I need to tell the truth that i don’t have photoshop in my laptop which is really weird. So i can’t made livery of my airlines

I’m sorry

With GIMP you can do your airlines too :slight_smile:
GIMP is free and powerfull and we have converted the MDKs for GIMP!AnJ6e9c-a76fq4UCjOYiuD2lcFyVOQ?e=rXeX3n

i made a share with my Modding Guide and some “how to/best practices” videos in gimp and photoshop. You find it here:!AnJ6e9c-a76fsrtG-2AdY-CiVYeIOg?e=pFlQfj

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===Alitalia Tweaks Update===
Just a small Update :joy:

  • merge Alitalia retired fleet and latest Livery
  • add Alitalia Cargo


  • improve A319
  • improve A320
  • improve A321
  • add B727-200Adv
  • remove B747-400
  • add B747-100
  • add B747-200B
  • add B747-200M
  • B767-300ER instead of B767-300
  • B777-200ER instead of 200/200LR
  • add DC10
  • MD82 instead of MD80

==Alitalia Express=

  • improve ATR42
  • improve ATR72
  • BAE146-200 instead of BAE146
  • add Avro RJ70
  • add Avro RJ85
  • add ERJ145
  • add DO328

==Alitalia Cargo==

  • add B747-200F
  • add B747-400F
  • add MD11F


My first airline mod

Smart Cakrawala Aviation

An Indonesian airline with just non-sceduled flights. They are also known as the company which ordered the last PC6.

  • Cessna 208 Caravan

and with Tweak

and for @brucesim2003
Tasman Airways

A fictional airline from New Zealand



I hope your not mad about my decision of flying birds, first one a kea and second a kiwi (at least he tried to fly :joy:)


The falling Kiwi logo :rofl: :rofl:


Oh wow. Thank you very much. I’d kinda given up on it. Not mad in the slightest about the birds - they look great.

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New stuff

Contour Airlines from the USA

T’way Air from South Korea

TAT European Airlines - Historical airline from France


Asian Express Aviation from China


  • PC6
  • PC12

KlasJet a charter airline from Lithuania


  • CRJ200
  • B737-300
  • B737-500
  • B737-800

old liveries


Bluebird Nordic
former Bluebird Cargo is an Islandic cargo airline.

Bluebird Nordic Fleet:
Boeing 737-400SF
Boeing 737-800BCF

Bluebird Nordic (Historic) Fleet:
Boeing 737-300F
Boeing 737-400SF
Boeing 737-800BCF

Bluebird CargoFleet:
Boeing 737-300F
Boeing 737-400SF

BBN Indonesia Fleet:
Boeing 737-800BCF


Valair Helicopter Services
A Swiss Helicopter Company but their main base at heliport Balzers,Liechtenstein, so welcome Liechtenstein to ACEO!
(with tweaks, both countries are set)


I like to have the CLIC airline operating in Colombia. one Mod is available at steam but not compatible with Tweaks and country code :slight_smile:

If it’s my Clic mod, that one has country code CO set. :confused:

Perfect. Thank you. Is this plane marked for short distance ? It should be perfect for domestic routes

It’s a medium aircraft.

But there is actually a way with Tweaks to set a contract for domestic only.
First you need to move the downloaded mod to your native modding folder, then you can change the files.

Modding directory:
{STEAM LOCATION}\steamapps\workshop\content\673610\
Copy the folder 3069870362

To the native directory:
C:\Users{USERNAME}\AppData\Roaming\Apoapsis Studios\Airport CEO\Mods

When copied, you can go into the copied folder and add following tag into the Mod.json file by editing it (notepad++ recommended)
“remainWithinHomeCodes”: true,

Afterwards get rid of the Steam subscription of this mod (otherwise it loads the wrong one), and ingame, re-accept the contract.

Not yet tested. :slight_smile:

thanks a lot it works!!!